LIAGO awarded the Equal Pay Seal 2024

The company LIAGO - COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA CALÇADO,LDA was distinguished by the Commission for Equality in Labor and Employment - CITE, for its good practices in promoting Equal Pay for Women and Men for equal work or work of equal value.

This recognition is a testament to the ongoing commitment to gender equality and the elimination of the pay gap between women and men.

Today, November 14, marks the National Day for Equal Pay.

In Portugal, women still earn an average of 13.2% less than men. If we also take into account regular bonuses and allowances, the difference rises to 16%.

RAL- Entidades de resolução alternativa de litígios
Divulgação da lista de entidades RAL

Critérios avaliação de fornecedores
A Liago, no âmbito do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade e Ambiente partilha os critérios de avaliação dos fornecedores

LIAGO awarded the Equal Pay Seal 2024
The company LIAGO - COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA CALÇADO,LDA was distinguished by the Commission for Equality in Labor and Employment - CITE, for its good practices in promoting Equal Pay for Women and Men for equal work or work of equal value.

Quality and Environment Policy - Liago

Distiction for SME leader 2024 by IAPMEI to LIAGO
Liago is awarded the status of SME leader 2024, based on the quality of your performance and risk profile.

LIAGO finalista no Prémio Europeu de Sustentabilidade para PME

CTCP - Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal

APICCAPS - Associação Portuguesa dos Industriais de Calçado, Componentes, Artigos de Pele e seus Sucedâneos
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